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The Astrology specialties applied in our Astrological office are provided by nationally and internationally accredited professional Isabel Guimarães, who has dedicated herself to research and investigation in recent years. She is a pioneer in the correlations and investigation of Child Astrology and Pregnancy Memory, proving her techniques with thousands of charts in the last years of her career. Reminiscences are the area of ​​Astrology she began her career with, improving over the years as a professional therapist. The Astrology consultation in Reminiscences is based on a deep journey into the DNA, the Memory contained in the cells of the BEING, with a deep correlation of astrological aspects, archetypes, zodiac types and reading patterns based on specific techniques. In the recent book by author and consultant Isabel Guimarães, "Astrology in Reminiscences - Healing the Body through the Mind", she shows her technique and the example of Fernando Pessoa for better understanding. Over 20 years of experience in this technique that allows us to delve into experiences, deja-vu, systemic memory patterns, hidden causes that help us understand the choices we make today, and even the paths we take to redeem Karma by following Dharma. All in a law of cause/effect.


The Pregnancy Memory Astrology consultation is based on an exclusive technique by our Astrologer Isabel Guimarães in order to find our first seed of life inside our Mother's womb, understanding the way the Soul chose its parents, the way we were conceived, and each month of pregnancy, all cognitive behavior is recorded in the Astrological Chart, which is activated throughout each year by astrological cycles. A technique that has statistics of over 2,400 charts proving our astrologer's technique, helping each BEING to rescue their Pregnancy Memory by finding behavior patterns that help bring awareness to each individual's actions in a personal search for cause/effect. After all, birth in the ascendant is a second birth, the first birth is at conception/fertilization.


The Medical Astrology Consultation is an older Astrology technique that helps to find the cause/effect of a certain pathology or symptom, helping to understand where the pattern may come from and cyclically helping to minimize the symptoms. In a Medical Astrology natal chart with certain astrological patterns, we can find chronic, genetic, hidden problems and how the individual has their ability to deal physically, emotionally and psychologically with the external load of the events in our life. But it goes even further, we can observe the type of diet according to a specific technique of our Astrologer Isabel Guimarães, graduated in Neuropsychology of Childhood to Adulthood as an advanced specialty by CRIAP, where she found with her Master's Degree in Naturopathy, the relationship between diet, the elements of Astrology and blood groups, which links to the birth chart. The "Medical" Chart also tells us which therapy and chemical treatment are best and how the treatments are cyclically altered by the chart's predisposition with advanced prediction techniques.

A journey to our physical, mental, emotional and etheric bodies in order to find a better way to live with a chronic illness, take advantage of the cycles for treatments and how to accept something that we cannot change, with various therapeutic techniques.

With each of the three consultations, the moment of analysis of your natal chart, with the appropriate prediction techniques, brings the key to open the door of what was left behind, rescue and heal in a deep knowledge of various knowledge without dogmas, beliefs or limitations, but rather in a deep journey to what is of the BEING so that it can rescue layer by layer on a road of firmness and faith, one that takes you to the unknown with the certainty that you will find your Pure Potential.

Schedule an Astrological consultation with Isabel Guimarães

You can book directly on this page or send an email to:

​Duration: 1h30m, with or without recording

In person or via Zoom


1st consultation - €75

2nd consultation - €65

Recommend a friend - €65

Unemployed - €50

Available Hours: from 11:30 am to 1:00 pm 2:30 pm to 4:30 pm

We are guided by the Code of Ethics and Professional Deontology of ASPAS - Portuguese Astrology Association. The data provided will only be used for scheduling/conducting consultations. For more information on the processing of your data, see our Privacy Policy.

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