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Consulta de Astrologia

People often think that consulting an astrologer is like having a psychic reading or having your fortune told, but it is actually quite different. The most simplistic description of astrology is that it is a symbolic language of life. Astrological symbols are excellent tools that describe the larger themes and principles in your life. However, the details of the potential flow of those themes and principles are too numerous to elucidate, and they operate on many levels - all within the realm of free will. We will explore these theories during the session, based on your current interests or concerns.

This is a very interactive process and you are encouraged to ask questions. Discovering and exploring the possibilities that are revealed through the symbolic language of the ancient art and science of astrology is the goal. Let's think of the birth chart as a road map or GPS. It shows the conditions under which you are walking as you find your life's road. Some of the roads you will travel will be smooth and easy, if you have built them well in the past (lives) and your personality probably does not remember. Some of the roads will be in poor condition and will need to be repaired. If you repair them and keep them in good condition, your vehicle will not break down and there will be no difficulties or delays. Astrology provides road signs to help you avoid detours and keep you on track. Destiny is reserved for trends, not facts. Everything you can see in an astrological chart are trends that will become facts if you do not do something to change them. The astrological chart is a model of your character. Character is destiny. Changing your character (beliefs, habits, behaviors) is changing your character - and perhaps your destiny!

The consultation will address the 12 areas of life, issues that may need further clarification, and a brief forecast of the cycles for the current year.

What is needed for the consultation?

To calculate a birth chart it is essential to know the date, time and place of birth. It is particularly important that the time of birth is correct, as it is through the time (and the coordinates of the place) that the degree of the Ascendant sign is determined. A difference of just a few minutes is enough for the Ascendant to change one zodiacal degree; in some cases, it can even change sign. You can obtain your time of birth from your birth certificate or by using the memories of family members. Family members usually have more precise information. If the margin of doubt about the time is relatively small, it is possible to draw up a birth chart, although its interpretation will have to be done with some reservations. However, we can still rectify the chart according to various data that you provide, so that the study can be carried out.

Schedule an Astrological consultation with Isabel Guimarães

You can request your consultation through our email

Duration: 1h30m, with or without recording

In person or via Zoom

Available hours: from 11:30 am to 1:00 pm and from 2:30 pm to 4:30 pm

1st consultation - €75
2nd consultation - €65
Recommend a friend - €65
Unemployed - €50
Free Sol Plan - Faces Club


We are guided by the Code of Ethics and Professional Deontology of ASPAS - Portuguese Astrology Association. The data provided will only be used for scheduling/conducting consultations. For more information on the processing of your data, see our Privacy Policy.

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