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Synchronous and asynchronous classes

Faces Isabel Guimarães' main objective is to prepare excellent professionals. We are aware that today's job market is increasingly competitive and, as such, we seek to meet its demands by preparing better professionals who stand out from the rest. We have certified our school nationally by DGERT since 2015 and internationally by ISAR since 2016.





Isabel Guimarães



"It is with great pleasure that we thank you for choosing FACES Isabel Guimarães as a partner in this new stage of your professional career. It is with great satisfaction that we welcome the expectations and trust that you have placed in our team.


FACES Isabel Guimarães bases its actions on a culture of quality, rights and duties, in which everyone is aware of the contribution they must make and the benefits they must receive, as an integral part of our/your home, which is FACES Isabel Guimarães.


Taking one of our training courses will certainly be a factor in enhancing your professional activity and standing out in the job market. Due to the new reality, we have created mini-courses to support those interested.


To all, I leave you a warm welcome FACES Isabel Guimarães"




  • 5/09 to 5/10 - special price - Professional Training in Astrology - 13th edition starting on November 5th

  • 2/09 to 9/12 - Advanced Specialization in Medical Astrology

  • 09/18 to 02/12 - Advanced Specialization in Children's Astrology

TRAINING COURSES FROM 150 HOURS TO 200 HOURS - Synchronous and asynchronous classes


beauty consultant

  Professional Training Course in Astrology

3 levels

With fundamentals of Traditional and Modern Astrology, preparing the student for the professional path as an astrology consultant


  Advanced Training Course in Astrology


With advanced knowledge of Astrology, leading to multiple prediction techniques and topics of diverse specialties in the area of activity

study group

Training Course in Astrology, Constellations, Astrogenealogy and Movement of the Spheres

Knowledge of the fundamentals of Systemic Constellations, DNA, Genetics linked to Astrology

Synchronous and asynchronous sessions

Duration of synchronous classes:
90 sessions - 2 hours each session
45 synchronous sessions and 45 asynchronous sessions (Wednesdays and Fridays from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm - schedule to be submitted upon registration
180 hours - 3 learning levels

Synchronous and asynchronous sessions

Duration of synchronous classes:

90 sessions - 2 hours each session

45 synchronous sessions and 45 asynchronous sessions (Wednesdays and Fridays from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm) delivery of the schedule upon registration

150 hours

Synchronous and asynchronous sessions Duration: 25 sessions - 8 hours each session (Saturday and Sunday from 10am to 6pm) 200 hours - 3 learning levels


Science class

Professional Training Course in Reiki as Complementary Medicine

​A unique training course linking Complementary Medicine and Alternative Therapies to the themes of Traditional Reiki, origins and advanced techniques

Studying on the grass

Advanced Specialization in Medical Astrology

Advanced knowledge in the area of ​​Medical Astrology linking the systems of the human body to archetypes. Recovering ancestral knowledge such as herbs, planetary positions and their respective signs

 Synchronous and asynchronous sessions

30 sessions - 2 hours each session

10 synchronous sessions and 30 asynchronous sessions (Thursdays from 11:30 am to 1:30 pm) – to be arranged in each edition

60 hours - 4 learning levels

 ​4th edition starting with Synchronous and asynchronous Sessions
15 sessions
5 sessions - 2 hours each session – synchronous classes (Mondays from 11:30 am to 1:30 pm) remaining asynchronous classes

girl drawing

Advanced Specialty

of Children's Astrology

Develop Child Astrology techniques linked to Child Psychology and child behavior. Study of development phases according to planetary cycles

Synchronous and asynchronous sessions Duration: 15 sessions 2 sessions - 2 hours each session – synchronous classes (Tuesdays from 11:30 am to 1:30 pm) remaining asynchronous classes



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For all those who want to improve their knowledge - Asynchronous Classes

Certificate of Attendance

geography lesson


Study astrology in a way that adds value to your knowledge. This short Astrology course allows the Student and Practitioner to deepen their basic knowledge of its fundamental principles in the construction of the astrological chart.

Does not replace professional training

Calculator and math notebook

Map Calculations

The Astrology Student and Practitioner will understand which calculations are used to construct the Astrological Chart and their systems and will also be able to create the Chart by Hand.


Does not replace professional training

Fixed Amount

​€75, payment can be made to:


MBWAY (938838825)

NIB: 0023 0000 45463420530 94

Send proof of payment to:


75€ podendo efetuar o pagamento para:


MBWAY (938838825)

NIB: 0023 0000 45463420530 94

Envio de comprovativo para:



Forecasting Techniques

In this mini-course, Astrology Students and Practitioners will learn how to use basic prediction techniques, planetary cycles and connections with the natal chart.

Does not replace professional training

Fixed Value

€75 and you can make payment to:​PAYPAL - MBWAY (938838825) NIB: 0023 0000 45463420530 94​Send proof to:

 Underground Sewer

Heliocentric and Geocentric System

In this minicruse the Astrology Student and Practitioner will understand how to use these two coordinate systems of the Astrological Map, understanding how to discover the process of life from the inside out and from the outside in, Earth/Sun


Vedic Astrology Principles

This Mini Course on Vedic Astrology Principles allows the Student and Practitioner of Astrology to understand the 4 objectives of Life, the relationship between the East/West Astrological Houses and the connection with the principle of the Soul.

Does not replace professional training

Vedic Astrology Resources

This Mini Course on Vedic Astrology Resources will allow the Student and Practitioner of Astrology to understand the astrological houses and their planets and the importance of the Moon in the so-called wealth and poverty of the chart.

Does not replace professional training

Synastry and Relationships

This Synastry and Relationships Short Course will allow Astrology Students and Practitioners to understand the techniques for connecting more than one chart in relationships in general.​Does not replace professional training

Constantly updated


Entity certified by Dgert under Ordinance No. 851/2010 of September 6, amended and republished by Ordinance No. 208/2013 of June 26, with certificate No. 1603/2015, presents Certification in the following areas of education and training:
» 090 - Personal Development
» 729 - Health - programs not classified in another area of ​​training
» 999 - Unknown or unspecified

In 2018, Faces Isabel Guimarães received the affiliation of its school by ISAR - International Society for Astrological Research, undergoing a rigorous process of requirements, being officially the only internationally certified school in the area of ​​astrology in Portugal.
In 2019, Faces Isabel Guimarães integrated its courses into SIGO - Information and Management System for Educational and Training Offers (entity No. 14071) for the respective issuance of certificates.​
Training Manuals registered with IGAC - General Inspectorate of Cultural Activities under number 1490/2019

This School is governed by the Code of Ethics and Professional Deontology of ASPAS-Portuguese Astrology Association

The intervention of Faces Isabel Guimarães, in terms of the areas of training developed, is something that is constantly evolving, according to market trends and collective and individual needs, resulting from them.

Advantages of the certified training entity;

Recognised quality in the market.
Being a certified training entity means that its procedures and practices are in accordance with a specific quality benchmark for training.
In addition, the training provided is only considered certified, under the terms of the National Qualifications System, if it is developed by a certified training entity.

Access to and exercise of training activities provided for in sectoral legislation

Certification in a specific area, course or training action, defined in sectoral legislation, enables the training entity to develop the professional training activity targeted by that regulation.
(source: DGERT)​
The national Training Entity Certification System is coordinated by the Directorate-General for Employment and Labour Relations, without prejudice to the specific powers of competent sectoral entities. Executive Order No. 851/2010, of 6 September, amended and republished by Executive Order No. 208/2013, of 26 June, regulates the certification system included in the training entities' service quality policy.

Its responsibilities include:
​ Certifying training entities within the scope of the service quality policy;
Coordinating and evaluating the development of the national training entities certification system.
Certificates issued by the SIGO platform

The Integrated Information and Management System for Educational and Training Offers (SIGO) is coordinated by the Directorate-General for Education and Science Statistics (DGEEC) for the management of the educational and training offer network and the educational and training pathways for young people and adults. It covers the network of training entities of the National Qualifications System (SNQ), including the Qualifica Centres.

Note: The amounts paid for attending certified vocational training courses at the Faces school are tax deductible from IRS*.

*Under article 78.º-D of the CIRS, 30% of the amounts applied to vocational training certified by DGERT (with a global limit of €800) are deductible from IRS.
Certified by Dgert with certificate no. 1603/2015
SIGO - issuing certificate entity no. 14071
Internationally certified by ISAR
Registered with number 1490/2019 at IGAC

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