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credits: Leonel Castro
Isabel Guimarães
When you believe in your dreams you start to climb the ladder of your ascension, the sky is not the limit, but you need an action.
Don't let yourself be limited and look for your star that came to make you shine" Isabel Guimarães
Internationally certified astrologer by ISAR, trained in Astrology since 2003 with various specialties including Child Astrology, Vedic Astrology, Ayurveda, and Medical Astrology with her own research method in Gestation Memory, leading to the creation of Astrology Software with her method in Meridian Gold, in addition to being the author of several books. Holistic Psychotherapist with various trainings in Psychology, Neuropsychology, Psychoanalysis, Clinical Hypnotherapist, Professional Consultant in Astrogenealogy, Systemic Constellator, Naturopath with a Master’s in Complementary Medicine, and multiple levels of Traditional, Karuna, and Huna Reiki. ISAR International Trainer in Astrology and certified trainer by IEFP.
Founder and President of ASPAS - Portuguese Association of Astrology, since 2012
Founder and Director of Faces Isabel Guimarães, formerly Gabinete Isastros, since 2007
Global Director of ISAR - International Society for Astrological Research since 2016
Certified Trainer CAP ISAR - Authorized Trainer for the CAP Certification Program since 2016
Editorial Director of the Astrological Journal 4 Estações of ASPAS since 2015
Astrologer for Jornal de Notícias, Magazine, daily newspaper, and Zodíaco JN channel since 2018
Writes for MOOD magazine since 2016 and I Love Brides since 2017
Certified trainer by IEFP since 2012
Consultant Astrologer since 2003, accredited since 2012 and internationally since 2017 in Serbia by ISAR
Holistic Therapist since 2012, with national accreditation since 2024 and international since 2015
Certified trainer by IEFP since 2007, a pioneer in Professional Astrology Training
Worked for 5 years on PortoCanal with the live program "Pergunte ao Astrólogo"
Organized monthly events for 3 years with support from the Gaia City Council and its councilor Delfim Sousa, astrological events at Casa Barbot and Biblioteca de Gaia
Various astrological events at FNAC
Numerous articles for media - Magazines, Newspapers
Pioneer in creating national astrology conferences in Portugal and the Azores
Pioneer in certifying her school with DGERT in the field of Astrology since 2015 and internationally since 2016 by ISAR
Author of 9 books, including a children's book on astrology, research, and investigation, a children's story about astrology, and more, with her own method
Researcher and investigator in Astrology, leading to a Method she created of Gestation with over 2400 astrological charts and the development of her method in Meridan Gold Astrology Software
Her professional activities as an Astrologer, Systemic Constellator, Holistic Psychotherapist, and Trainer, in her space in Vila Nova de Gaia - Faces Isabel Guimarães
**Astrologer** - Internationally certified with CAP by ISAR (Serbia), with various specialties in Medical Astrology, Child Astrology, Psychological Astrology, Modern and Traditional Astrology, as well as training from the American Vedic Association in Vedic Astrology, Ayurveda, and more, with trainers from Brazil, the USA, and Portugal.
**Holistic Therapist**, accredited by APORTH - Portuguese Association of Holistic Therapists and the International Association of Therapists (IOTH).
**Education** - Master’s in Complementary Medicine, Naturopathy, and Alternative Therapies from INESEM - Spain, with professional and research qualifications distinguished by INESEM for her thesis.
**Clinical Hypnotherapist** from LCCH.
**Family Constellations Technician** from UNIET.
**Internationally trained** by Cosmosistémica in Systemic Constellations in Astrology - Movement of the Spheres by Enzo de Paola and Professional Consultant in Astrogenealogy.
**Reiki Technician** in Traditional and Essential Reiki, including Karuna and Huna Reiki, with multiple trainings, including a Master’s from INESEM.
**Various specialties** from MPS European Intelligence Systems in Psychosomatics and Multifocal Psychology.
**Buddhist Meditation Course** - Sagara.
**Psychoanalysis and Holistic Psychotherapy** from UNIET.
**First Aid and Basic Life Support** from Medilogics.
**Advanced Specialization** in Child Neuropsychology through adulthood - CRIAP.
**Cognitive Behavioral Therapies** for Psychosocial Risk Factors - CRIAP.
**Introduction to Genealogy Course** - CRIAP.
**Practitioner Course in Psychotherapy** - SaberCura.
**Alchemy Course** - UBRATH.
Regularly conducts and attends monthly workshops, participates in and organizes national and international conferences, and is currently pursuing specialization in Psychotherapy and advanced training in Vedic Astrology/Ayurveda.
The weekly *Nascer do Sol* is a Portuguese newspaper. In its new edition, you can find Valor Magazine, "Women of Value: Success Stories," and InCorpoate, a monthly magazine dedicated to personalities and individuals who make a difference in Portugal, as well as Inspirational Women, aimed at highlighting stories and ideas. Isabel Guimarães had the privilege of being featured in these two editions.
Thank you to Valor Magazine and InCorpoate for the recognition.
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